Shipping Information

FedEx and UPS have recently added a surcharge for packages over 50 lbs so we will be ending our 3 box shipping case.

Most of our product is packed into 20 lb boxes.  We can send one or two of these to you in an insulated box.  

Ground Shipping

In the Carolinas:  One box ships for $30, two 20 lb boxes ship for $35.

Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia,  New Jersey, Delaware:  Two boxes ship for $45 .

And providing that FedEx can get it there in 2 days, which includes most of the country either side of the Mississippi: Two boxes ship for $50.

Overnight Shipping:

If your order needs to ship overnight, I recommend you run your order through US Wellness Meats.  I am one of their poultry suppliers and their overnight rates are much better than mine, so you will save significantly going through them.